Session export: Sadow Shenanigans VI

“Kark, I said we surrender!” The Rodian squalled over the Horizon-Class’ comms, sure to make sure the link to whomever the ‘Hades’ was remained open. He watched as the Twi'lek had cut the man down on the security feed, falling sloppily into two distinct piles on the floor. Garell sneered at the fact. He knew that man, he’d flown with him for two years now. Good crewman, fabulous mechanic. Liked those little blue fruit from…. He shook his head. He debated saying more on the comms. What was the purpose of surrender if they were just going to kill them all anyway? He thought about it. There was always that one last ace up his sleeve. Even if he didn’t want to play it.

The other side of the ship, Tasha'vel panted, trying not to smile at her handiwork. Macron and his hound watched her, his mind dissecting the situation quickly, seeking for what their next play was. Roxas taking the moment to check his weapon.

Out in the void, Several of the new Sadow Interceptors paced around the Lancer-classes and the yacht, he pilots getting a good feel for the way the craft handled as the Emerald Dragon popped back out from hyperspace. Just out of range, Hades watched from the Bad Intentions, fingers tapping on his crossed arms.

….”Kark, I said we surrender!….

As Macron eyed the two cowering pirates left alive nearby, the words reverberated in his twisted brain. The Adept shut his lightsaber down with a sizzling slurping sound. “Chuck, stop. No point in killing them now. It would dishonor us to strike down such a weak foe. It is not worthy of the Sith.”

The Tukata looked at him silently with a puzzled expression in her lambent red eyes and sat back on her haunches. The Sith Hound licked the carnage off of her rows of wicked teeth and burped loudly. She seemed almost disappointed.

Roxas replaced a fresh eclip into his weapon and lowered the barrel. The Mandalorian maintained an easy grip but it was obvious he could raise it and fire at any time. “I think your dog is full.” His head turned to gaze down both corridors. “Nobody is moving in range. Two live ones laying on the floor over that way.” He gestured with two fingers together.

Tasha stopped moving and slung the gore off her twin blades. The blue Twilek sheathed one and grabbed the nearest pirate by the collar of his mechanic’s suit. “Take us to the bridge, punk.”

“Open up, open the gate, open the way,” canted the Alchemist as the motley group stood outside the hatch. “Or we knock really hard.”

The bridge area hatch slid open with a whoosh. The Rodian commander stood with hands raised in the air. “We surrender.”

Roxas was first in the room with his weapon held in front. Tasha came in beside him, both blades out so they could not be flanked. Macron and Chuck came in second.

“You will stand down, disarm yourselves, and lay on the floor with your hands on your head. The Overlord’s law will decide your fate. Anyone that disobeys, or moves afterwards becomes chow.” The madman jerked an outstretched thumb at the rust colored Tukata standing beside him. “Are we clear?” As the scallywags hustled to comply, Macron thumbed his comlink. “Syra, let Hades know we have control of their bridge and this vessel has surrendered. Request boarding teams.”

“Sure thing bossman,” came the Arkanian’s reply across the comm. “It looks like the Lancers are trying to move off maybe.”

Locke watched on the feed as the yacht was captured. A plot began forming in his mind. An idea. It might lead to other things or nowhere. But it was still worth a shot.

He walked over to the command center area where Muz was observing the battle. “so,” Locke started. He couldn’t remember if Muz liked titles or not so he decided to avoid them. He couldn’t even remember their last direct conversation, although he felt like he was always on the Krath GM’s good side because they had fairly similar goals in the end.

“What are the chances I could get these pirates shipped back to the Citadel at Kar Alabrak?”

He nodded his head at the display. “As Quaestor of Marka Ragnos I feel personally offended even more that they would intrude on our system. Our territory being on the system perimeter makes it something of our area of expertise anyway.

"We’ll learn more about them and find any of their compatriots.”


Locke had a point, they were on the outer orbits. He had known the former Consul to be quite adept at extracting value out of unteneble situations. DarkHawk and himself had no need or time for prisoners. Now, whether Macron’s boarding party left enough of them alive and…‘intact’ enough to be of any use was another question entirely. The Madman, the Mandalorian and the Marauder were bloodthirsty, eager from lack of use. They would find an outlet for that soon enough. But as for now…

Muz’s eyebrow raised slowly, turning his head a degree to look at Quentin. If the other Quaestor had no objections, it seemed a proper course of action.


Blood splattered over a bulkhead. “I said lay on your stomachs and put your hands behind your backs!” The Mandalorian shouted as he pulled a now unconscious prisoner over toward him and threw the man to the floor. “My friend here, we’ll let’s just say he likes to play with pharmaceuticals and he needs tests subjects.” Roxas spat, the murderous intent dripping from his lips like poison. His comm chirped, so he quickly clicked it while tying up the one with a bashed in face. Macron laughed loudly with excitement at the potential of the experiments before the Mandalorian turned to him and said “Sorry vod, Sonja wants to question these fools. “DAMN IT!” The madman hollered, his fun spoiled. “Chuck heard these idiots to the brig.” He demanded, wanting them out of his sight.

Hey y'all. I’m on orders. So I’ve been spending the last couple weeks getting ready to be away from my wife for several months.

Sully threw his leg over a bar stool and hunched his big six foot frame over the bar as he hailed the bobot and ordered a drink. Ashia sat down quietly beside him.

The Lasat rubbed his head in exasperation. He couldn’t figure out how he could have mixed up those coordinates.

“There’s an expedition leaving for Athiss. Some sort of Sith legend thing, I dunno. Muz wants to explore it…I’m going with him.”

She did know, but wasn’t going to give him too much intel. Not yet anyway. It was safer that way.

“I’m not though.” His voice was low, almost a whisper.

Ashia turned to him. “This isn’t anything you’d be interested in. However, if I find anything good…” She trailed off.

He nodded. “I have work to do on the Dragon anyway. What about Veevu?”

Ashia chewed her bottom lip a moment in contemplation. “She’ll have to wait. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

He nodded again and took a long draught of his drink, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

Hades scanned the sensor screens off to his right. The fight had been won in a quick and ruthless fashion, as all attempts at invasion should be. The other members of the Clan were mopping up with the enemy in custody.

“Comm, inform task force to return to Tarthos.” Said Hades before turning to the helm.

“Helm, take us home. Hyperspace when ready.” Hades turned away from the viewport as he withdrew into his own thoughts. It had been longer than he would like since he had been a proper battle. Turning back towards the viewport a few minutes later. Ahead Tarthos lay ahead of him, having missed the small hyperspace jump. It wasn’t long before he was on Omega 7 returning to Muz’s new pub playground. He was eager to see what was next.