Session export: The Doctor and his Apprentice

Upon stepping onto Rhylance’s vessel, Jovian was immediately struck by the unique and intriguing environment surrounding him. Having traveled on numerous ships in the past, he was accustomed to the typical amenities and equipment found on board. However, this particular vessel was unlike any he had ever encountered, as it also functioned as a floating research center. Jovian, despite lacking a strong scientific background, was captivated by the vast array of advanced tools and resources at his disposal.

As he continued to explore his surroundings, Jovian couldn’t help but feel a sense of caution and apprehension. Although Rhylance appeared to be a harmless and knowledgeable individual, Jovian’s natural paranoia led him to maintain a watchful eye on his host. After all, he was aware of his own limitations and lack of expertise and didn’t want to fall prey to any potential predators.

Despite his reservations, Jovian had agreed to board the ship in search of knowledge and power. He knew that the risks were worth the potential rewards, and was eager to expand his understanding of the world around him.

Rhylance approached the Twi'Lek, his droid M.O.R.S.E close behind. His face betrayed nothing on his thoughts.

“You decided to join me I see. A respectable decision. As I told you, I will not teach you as others would expect. You will thrive, or you will fail. And that is up to you. I will not be gentle in my approaches. I will do things that some would claim unethical. Consider this your last chance to walk away. Once that ramp closes and this vessel flies, you are mine.”

As Jovian made his way onto the ship, he muttered under his breath, “Let it close. ” Despite Rhylance’s warnings, Jovian felt no sense of fear or intimidation. He saw this as his chance to gain power, something that Rhylance had promised him. As he surveyed his surroundings, Jovian couldn’t help but ponder the concept of ethics. To him, they were nothing more than mere limitations for the weak. With great care, he scrutinized every detail of the ship’s communication systems. Although he had been on board several ships before, this one was unlike any he had ever seen. Jovian eased himself into the pilot’s seat and stole a glance at the blue-skinned Chiss. “I’m ready whenever you are. The ethics of others don’t concern me.”

Rhylance turned the M.O.R.S.E and simply nodded. The Providence turned on, rising from the ground of the training field and began flying towards the underwater facility, SISSMA. Rhylance then turned to his new pulpil.

“I need you to come with me for a moment, Jovian. I have prepared an examination room to monitor and measure your strengthand connection to the Force.”

Rhylance led the Twi'Lek to a door and entered a sequence into the control panel. The door slid open and inside was an empty room.

“Step inside, if you would, and we will begin.”

As Jovian disembarked from the ship, a wave of emotions and thoughts flooded his mind. He had always been a solitary figure, seeking knowledge and answers in the obscurity of the universe. However, with Rhylance by his side, a newfound sense of hope and direction filled him. This moment would undoubtedly be a turning point in his journey, urging him to reach new heights.

Initially hesitant, Jovian’s trust in Rhylance grew exponentially. There was an unspoken, profound understanding between them, something he had never experienced before. He eagerly anticipated learning from Rhylance and gaining insights he could not acquire on his own.

As he pondered the potential of this partnership, a surge of excitement and anticipation overwhelmed him. This could very well be the beginning of a new, exciting path for him, leading him to greater heights and deeper understanding. Jovian was ready to push himself to the brink of exhaustion, exploring every possibility, and avenue until he found the answers he sought.

Jovian stepped into the room and turned around, making direct eye contact with Rhylance “What now?”

The door to the room closed, sealing Jovian inside. Rhylance’s expression never changed. He held a control in his hand and spoke, his voice delivered through the rooms speakers

“As I have told you, my methods are not.. standard. I will push you to your absolute limits. This is not out of cruelty, but it will not be pleasant for you.”

Rhylance pressed a few buttons on the pad and hazy mist began to feed into the chamber.

“You use the fears of your enemies against them. This us smart, but will never be truly effective until you have mastered your own fears. You shall remain in this room until I allow your exit. Your plea’s will not influence me. My resolve will not waiver, and you will be the stronger for it.”

The mist surrounded Jovian and as he inhaled, the chemicals attacked the fear centers of his Twi'Lek brain. This gas was of Rhylance’s own design. The apprentices lessons had begun.

Jovian produced a subdued, throaty noise and cast his gaze upward towards the apex of the door in the observation chamber. Despite his yearning to break free, he recognized the futility of his attempts. The gas had infiltrated the chamber, inducing a numb and tingling sensation in his hands. “Fascinating. What other secrets lie within this place?” he pondered, surveying his surroundings. His head began to spin, and he stumbled over to the metallic silver table. The gas was starting to take its toll on him, causing a faint hum in his ears. He tried to steady himself and inhale deeply, but when he opened his eyes, the table had transformed into a shade of crimson.

Jovian took a step back from the table, exhaled deeply, and turned towards Rhylance. However, he was instead greeted by a transparent barrier, barely an inch from his face. Frustrated, he muttered about the tiresome games. When he turned again, he was faced with the sterile walls of the containment chamber, which seemed to be closing in on him. The sense of confinement was overwhelming.

Rhylance watched the scene unfolding. Sentient beings had a wide array of reaction to the fear processors of the brain being activated. He was intrigued to see Jovians reaction. While this wasn’t an experiment, the scientist certainly couldn’t help recording his observations.

His blue hand slid to an intercom button.

“Just embrace the fear. Face what you are afraid of. Master yourself, and you will be able to better master others.”

Jovian cautiously stepped away from the wall and approached the crimson table that sat ominously in the center of the room. As he drew closer, he could feel his emotions beginning to bubble up inside him. Rhylance had pushed him to his limits, leaving him feeling utterly overwhelmed and struggling to keep up.

Despite his growing anxiety, Jovian steadied himself at the table and took a deep breath before finally speaking up. “What is your definition of ethics?” he asked, his voice betraying his nervousness.

As he spoke, Jovian inadvertently coughed and inhaled more of the hallucinogenic vapors that filled the room. The effect was almost immediate, causing the room to shake violently and leaving Jovian feeling like he was losing his grip on reality.

Despite the chaos around him, Jovian fought to stay upright, bracing himself against the table as he tried to make sense of what was happening. His body felt cold and rigid, and his pupils contracted as he felt himself slipping further and further into darkness.

Suddenly, Jovian found himself sitting on the surface of a dark, churning sea. He was transported back to a childhood memory of the hum of the black waves, the sound echoing through his body as he struggled to keep his head above water.

The sensation was overwhelming, and Jovian’s breathing grew ragged as he tried to make sense of it all. The vapor in the room grew thicker, swirling in pale mist, adding to the surreal feeling of the moment.

Despite the fear that threatened to engulf him, Jovian fought to stay calm. He noticed that the longer he stayed in this strange, dark place, the choppier the water became and the more the mist swirled around him.

“He wants me to give in to the fear,” Jovian thought to himself, determined not to let Rhylance break him. Even as he sank a few inches deeper into the water, Jovian clung to his composure, refusing to let the chaos around him consume him.

Rhylances watched the Twi'Lek. He was clearly under the effect of the hallucinogenic vapors, but he was fighting hard. The Chiss was truly impressed by the self control Jovian was exhibiting. But now wasn’t the time for control.

“You are fighting against your fears. Commendable, but not what I am looking for. Let your fear take hold. Let the emotion wash over you. Face it head on, and then conquer it. That is how you build resolve. Fear is a part of all of us. The fight against it is a foly, you will never hold I back forever. But to live in and stand firm, that is true strength. And it is a strength that I am hopeful you can achieve.”

Rhylance went silent for a moment before speaking again.

“You will know my ethics, after you have stepped closer to my level. You still have a ways to go, boy.”

Rhylance continued to watch Jovian within the chamber.