Session export: Deadly Desert [One Shot]

The Sorasu desert, considering it housed some crucial assets on Arx was still largely uninhibited in many areas, shrouded by whipping winds and shifting sands.

While the orbital patrols around the Brotherhood’s homeworld were patrolled vigorously, it was still possible for some things to slip between the cracks. That was why a small team was quickly assembled to track down reports of Children of Mortis agents roaming the desert. The threat needed to be eliminated quickly.

The LAAT/i transport whooshed across the desert to the last known coordinates.

Nicfer, Aura, and Mune were being transported by a pilot named “Nira.” Nira had a heavy drawl, and while they’ve clearly been a pilot for the Iron Legion and used to working with Jedi and Sith, has no idea what they can or can’t do.

After some talk and discussion between the trio, the pilot asked if they wanted to fly out, or land.

Tired of the questions, Nicfer jumped out with her rocket boots, impressing the pilot. They landed, and then Aura and Mune stepped off the transport.

The transport took off.

As the trio landed and took stock of the desert-

Aura used her quadnocks and found no immediate threats.

Nicfer, while blending in well with the terrain, saw…sand. And more sand.

Mune, however, looked into the slipstreams of the Force.

They saw a few flashes of images:

A small fortification Some Lightbringer Troopers Crystal raptors circling Nicfer and the roar of a crystaline monster

Aura reached out to the angry rancor with the Force after a few moments, her face grow sad. She slowly lowered her hand and sighed. This was once a tame creature, but was so abused in so many ways the only humane thing left to do was put it down.

“It can’t be saved. Best to put it down.”

Aura removes all the sand from everyone

Mission Succesful

The trio of Aura, Mune, and Nicfer cleared a pack of crystaline raptors. They pressed further into the desert to find a small base that was housing a Force-Crystal treated Rancor that was beyond saving.

After dispatching the two Lightbringer guards, Bob and Bobby, the trio decided to call in the Iron Legion to handle extraction of the Rancor, that was restrained and transported to the Shadow Academy research facilities.