Session export: Farrow Affairs: Scoutign

Planet Ol-Tun Asomkos 41 ABY

Cole watched the surface of the planet incoming, the cloud layer thin today and the yellowed dust that sweeps over Asomkos, his home, glinting in the sunlight. It was surreal. The last time he’d seen this planet was with his face still-burning under a layer of bacta and slipping into unconciousness.

Asomkos was a large city, not as layered or deep as the cities upon cities of Coruscant but spread wide across the surface. The buildings grew taller in a gradient toward the centre, built in the image of the Empire and nothing having been done to remedy that. Not that there was much need. It worked for what there was here which on Ol-Tun, was this city alone. Some outposts were scattered around but they were for resources.

He wasn’t the most skilled pilot in Arcona’s military but he brought the ship into a standard clean enough landing in one of the ship-ports toward the centre of the city. They’d have to walk further in to the heart of the city, no one flew deeper than this unless they were stupid, attacking the city, or belonged to-

Well. Not anymore Cole mused. The skies probably were a lot less monitored but still, best to not raise any suspicions in knowing the paths too damn well or some kark. He’d lived here a long time and while many had been killed, even in this shipyard there’d be people who’d recognise his face for either his own visage or the fact he so closely resembled his father. They’d been in Farrow’s pocket only a few years ago.

“Well, we’re here.” He spoke, looking to his side where Sofila was sat. “Where we’re meeting the others is just outside the ship yard, only a couple minutes. Stay close to me, Sof.”

Cole shifted to his feet, pulling up the hood on the jacket he wore. Who knew the life day gift would be this useful already. Kark.

Sofila was doing her best to study the map that Cole had provided her. She noticed she kept dazing off and grumbled internally at her frustration. Cole spoke and her head turned to look at him before she nodded and put the datapad with the map away. It would not be best to bring that. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail while she wore a long sleeve hoodie jacket and black cargo pants. As always, her beskar dagger was at it’s sheathe on her lower back and her blaster holster was at her right leg.

She got up from the seat, pulled up her hood as well and followed Cole. It was nice to see him wearing it out and about but it was for a mission and less so for his comfort. She looked around and grimaced slightly at how similar it was to a certain location from her past. No. This was not the time. Ignored her feelings, she looked around for any signs of Savi and Foxen.

“Do you know you are a terrible host, Foxen?”

He kept typing.

🦈: °•°•°•°•••

🦜: °•°•°•°•••

“Even being kidnapped by your sister was more entertaining a voyage than this. She’s at least capable of socializing.”

🦈: °•°•°•°•••

🦜: °•°•°•°•••

“I do know you’re still listening to me.”

🦈: °•°•°•°•••

🦜: °•°•°•°•••

“I have prettier feathers.”

The fuck you do, hands snapped, red eyes snapping up too and finding an ink and red clay smirk.


Foxen growled, the muscle under his eye twitching. The Tekuani merely preened in their inferiorly crested serpentine amusement, having succeeding in causing him to react or acknowledge their existence since their landing 42.33 minutes ago. The actual journey had not been difficult: they had shared and corroborated basic intelligence, confirmed weapon choices, and blissfully spent the entire flight in respective self-sufficient silence. In different compartments.


The city and planet were inconsequential, beyond their base input/output of details. The pair had surveyed, Foxen outfitted normally as the muscle he could be mistaken for and the Tekuani more subtly. Now they waited not far from the shipyard, and in semi-faux casualness, idled with lit cigarras burning out in their hands.

Disgruntled, Foxen finished his damn message to home and only then jerked his chin down the sulfurous road towards an approaching pair of hooded figures. One could possibly have looked like they fit in, if not for the fact that they were walking with Sofila, and a drunken monkeylizard could see her coming, nevermind how he knew her exact unhappy, jittery/angry energy stomp-stride.

“Yes, I noticed.”

He flipped the Shani off.

A self-satisfied grin remained on the Shani’s tattooed countenance as they walked alongside their oversized counterpart. When they saw the two of them, Savi crossed their arms in front of their chest and greeted them with an upward nod.

“Long time no see, you two.”

Foxen nodded to both the Cole and Sofila, gesturing a short signal for: clear to indicate he had not spotted any tails on them or persons watching yet, and the general area of this block had been secured. Then: O.K.?

Cole nodded in response, relieved to see them and that everything was clear. There was no reason it wouldn’t be but it felt like the shadows were staring today.

He paused beside them, nodding in greeting to Savi as well, “You look well.”

Hesitating a moment, Cole leaned his head and then started going in that direction. They could talk and walk.

Sofila grinned at seeing the pair as she wrapped her arms around Savi and gently pulled them into a hug with an extra squeeze.

“It has been awh-” She stopped herself and her brows furrowed. It has been awhile since she chatted or hang out with her friends. Kriff. Was her job taking her away so much? She removed herself from the hug. She glanced over to Foxen and saw him sign. She gave him a reassuring nod with a grin and signed, O.K. back.

Cole started to walk, she made a decision to walk by Foxen. With Cole taking the lead, she figured it would be best so she can quickly whisper to them whatever Foxen signed. She looked around as a someone who just watches her back and doesn’t want to be messed with. Tali had taught her how to blend in and not be a quick easy mark for criminals that lurks in Port Ol'Val.

The Nautolan gave the Sofila a nod as she fell in beside him, scanning anything and everything around them, hands at rest close to holsters and face a slab of slate.

Savi shrugged their shoulders. “Hanging in there, thanks. You, too.”

Their eyes widened just a tad when Sofila pulled them into a hug, but they nonetheless returned it with a smile. After that, they turned to walk alongside her, keeping their senses trained on their surroundings.

“I heard you got a promotion while I was gone, Sofila. That true?”

<@432543120635461643> <@216702440140046336> <@244244163002892288>

Sofila gave Savi a bit of a weak smile.

“Yea. It’s also why I’ve been busy and keep forgetting to respond to people- Oh no.” She whispered, fighting against herself not to shout.

“I completely forgot to respond to you!” Guilt was written everywhere on the Mirialan’s face. Now she started to wonder if there was anyone else she forgot? Kist, she hope not her Buirs or they would start messaging Cole soon, again.

<@432543120635461643> <@244244163002892288>

Savi lifted a tattooed hand to wave away Sofila’s concerns. “Don’t beat yourself up about that,” they said coolly, “You said you’ve been busy. My feelings aren’t hurt. I’m glad you two have been keeping it together in my absence. Even glad to see tall, dark and broody here, again.”

They used the blackened, tapered nail of their thumb to point toward Foxen from over their shoulder.

<@244244163002892288> <@432543120635461643>

Sofila grinned as she look back to Foxen who seemingly looked annoyed at Savi’s words.

“Well, it IS good to see you again.” Then she glanced over to Cole’s back, who was walking in front of them.

“So does that make him, short, dark, and broody?” Sofila lightly teased.

<@432543120635461643> <@244244163002892288>

Foxen’s lower lid twitched.

Brooding incorrect. Straightforward, he signed, and then raised a middle finger in the air at the Shani, which needed no translation.

Cole was content to settle in to the pace of the walk, looking at his home with the chatter of his new home’s friends making for a far kinder background noise than what his mind wanted to create. Whatever musings he might’ve been slipped into in a quieter walk were entirely decimated by him and Foxen being referred to as dark and broody. And him as short.

Sofila whispered what Foxen said but she didn’t need to say anything, nor did he even need to look around to see what the Nautalon’s response was to it. In terms of it being pointed toward him, Cole rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly but keeping the lead for them.

Savran likely knew the way to the complex, but that wasn’t exactly where they going.

“Does that make you two the rainbow cheerleaders?”

Sofila was happy to translate for Foxen and even said ‘Giving Savi the bird.’ Kark yea. She wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to say that. Every middle finger Foxen would do, she would try to be creative on naming it differently each time.

-rainbow cheerleaders? Sofila’s lips pulled into a very mischievous and sly smile but it went away quickly when she reminded herself where she was. And Cole would not be comfortable with that out in the open. She makes a mental note to ask him later.

If she even remembers.

“Well, if you think about it, in a way I am. I try to cheer people up but..” She trails off. It had been difficult lately especially when she hasn’t been in a good mood as of late.

<@244244163002892288> <@1056685516441006091>

Red eyes clocked left and down, then back to roving their surroundings with ruthless acuity.

‘Cheer up’, technically speaking, confirm. You do, he said, pausing, then adding, Constantly increase my blood pressure at least.

“I would look great in a cheerleading outfit,” they said with a wink before looking to the path looking to the distant compound. “This place hasn’t changed much, it seems.”

Are we certain there are no traps/perimeter defenses? Foxen asked.

“We aren’t going close enough for them to matter.” Cole responded, lowering his voice but subtly gesturing to the buildings around them. “There’s a spot that overlooks the compound. It’s not close but it’ll give us a view of what they’re actually doing. There’s a wall around that can be manned but there was two spots that we had guarded but didn’t say why. Everyone thought it was the kist shift to get cause nothing happened there but they were less obvious vulnerabilites. A building too close, leaning over that you can zipline down. A blind spot that you can climb up and get in without being seen by any of the cameras. Maybe they’ll have worked those out by now but that’s why I wanted to scout first. If those are useable, this might actually be a stealth operation.”

He went quiet for a few moments, looking around at the bustling streets. His expression gave nothing away, but a part of him was pained.

“It hasn’t changed at all, really.”

Confirm, acknowledged, Foxen returned, and then, Split teams or singular forward scouting, report back? Suggestion: latter. Also suggested: send me. Final suggestion: anyone but Sofila.

The Mirialan gave Foxen a smile, “Thank you-” but then she glared at him as she flipped him off when the Nautolan had brought up that she increases his blood pressure.

Sofila looked over to Savi in confusion when they brought up that the place hasn’t really change.

“Oh. You have been here?” Her eyebrow rose but she glanced over to Foxen and made sure to translate and had to ask him to repeat the word, scouting.

Sofila gave Foxen a harden glare of sending anyone but her.



Still sucks.

“The point I want to work from is one of these taller buildings. We should be able to do a lot of observations from there as a group. Closer looks from the ground will be good, was going to work that out once we got situated.” Cole responded.

Foxen merely grunted an affirmative.

Savi nodded. “Bounty hunting work back in the day,” they explained, “You’d be surprised all the places you see when hunting people.”

They shifted their slitted eyes to glance at Cole for the briefest of moments. “All the people you meet.”

The Shani returned their attention to the compound.

“Oh.” Sofila glanced at both Cole and Savi, a few times before dropping it. Did something happen between them?

No matter. She kept a watch around and remained quiet since the rest of them were.

Cole noticed the glance, raising an eyebrow for a moment before focussing forward again.

Savi had met more of his line than just him. He knew that much.

It took the group some minutes to get deeper into the city, streets bustling to a point where covert conversation was practically impossible. Cole did his best to keep his head low, the hood able to do its work though there was one perk of being Human that came into play. Being at the front of a group that held three very starkly coloured, obvious beings that all also happened to be taller than him, made being overlooked far more achievable. It still felt disjointed, to sneak through the streets. He’d always held caution, never travelling alone when he was being sensible at least. But walking around his home like a fugitive? Being the one hiding.

It hurt in a way he hadn’t anticipated but kark there was a job to do.

Cole raised a hand enough to catch the other three’s eyes, pointing to a building upcoming building before signing.

Target. Go round back

The building was not the tallest one in the city centre but it still stood tall among the city scape. It was visibly derelict, all the lower windows smashed and chunks of the brickwork severely damaged. When they got closer, Cole slipped down a side street beside it.

It’d be quieter but not safe until they made it a few stories up.

Savi nodded upon seeing Cole’s signal. They kept their hands in their pockets to maintain a nonchalant demeanor while circling around to the back of the building, leading the other two. They kept their eyes peeled and their senses attuned to the Force, waiting for Cole’s next move.

Foxen maintained perimeter check as they went, following to the designer area. Amazing how unstealthy the others were, especially the Tekuani. But their role was to be seen; the Cole was not.

The back of the building was shadowed by the one next to it, a dank alleyway with what was piles of trash that had had time to rot away. The smell wasn’t even present anymore, all that was remaining the damp scent of a place that never saw the sun.

The door was rusted, and took little more than a shove to make it creak open. He stepped in, letting Sofila followed and remaining in place for the others to follow before closing the door behind them.

“We want to get about half way up. The stairs should be alright but I’ll go first in case anythings broken. I’m likely the lightest one here.”

The absolutely massive Nautolan seemed to have no problem with that argument. He grunted and took position by the closer door, signalling that he would take up the rear.

Sofila’s brows furrowed as the pieces of trash were untouched. On one hand, that was good. It meant it was less likely to be touched and patrolled. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean there’s things hidden.

How long did Cole said it had been? There was no smell, saved for that damp smell. Her nose twitched at the smell of rust. She never did like that smell. After a nose wiggle or two, she got used to it and stepped in, her eyes darted around.

“Okay.” Sofila kept her voice soft and low as she glanced around and waited.

“Maybe I should go first,” Savi suggested in a whisper, “I’ll be able to sense if anything’s wrong.”

You move like her, a point to Sofila, in my crystal cabinet. Deny. Sense from here.

“You must be joking,” Savi said with a roll of their eyes, “I’m nowhere near a klutz like her.”

Klutz? No. However: stealth? Your footfalls weigh as much as your ego.

“At least they don’t weigh as much as your head,” they replied with a grin and a dramatic hand wave that was dismissive in a playful kind of way. “And this ego is earned, thank you very much.”

Your mathematics skill is equal to your grace, neither of which bode well for this mission.

“Stay close behind me.” Cole responded, glancing behind him at the two and not visibly reacting to the bickering.

“Your sense should work just as well with only a few feets difference, yes?”

Sofila was trying to keep her anger in control. There was a sharp snapping noise as a piece of rusty metal had snapped off and fallen onto the stairs. She glanced over to Cole and exhaled a shaky breath. She didn’t realized she was holding her breath.

“Sorry…” Sofila whispered, not even looking at the pair right now.

“You’re fine. Keep the bickering between you two-” Cole gestured between Savi and Foxen, before focussing back on the Shani, “-and keep it quiet. There shouldn’t be anyone more than homeless on these lower levels but let’s not need to find out.”

He glanced back to Sofila for a moment, concern fleeting in his gaze before he started for the stairs.

“Apologies,” Savi replied, “There’ll be plenty of opportunities to make fun of Foxen after we complete our mission.”

They kept their hands close to their side as they crept forward, close to their weapons.

A single fingered salute as he guarded the rear ended their conversation.

Sofila bit her cheek when she saw that brief concern from Cole.

Karking come on.

Are you kriffing kidding me?! She was doing better, it’s not like she blew a door off it’s hinges or punched a wall or-

Breathe. Sofila took in a deep breath before glancing over to Savi to watch her and listen for any hints if Savi senses something. Then she started to look around. Kriff. It looked chaotic and damages. She was careful with her footing as she made her way to one of the boarded up window and kept out of sight and tried to find an angle to peer through to keep an eye out.

Cole had nodded, before taking point and heading up the stairs. Sofila was able to cross to different windows until they eventually were no longer boarded up. Just broken.

The group travelled up 6 stories, each level slightly less desecrated than the last though more empty. Old furniture with piles of trash and who knows what karking else was replaced by dark desolate spaces that only held the memory of once being occupied in the damage, remnant smoke, blaster scorch marks and rubble. Echoes travelled further and the stairs creaked audibly underfoot. Other than Foxen bending one particularly rusted stair near the bottom, it was uneventful enough.

The sixth floor wasn’t the highest in the building, but it was a vantage point that was low enough to still allow for a plausible escape. Not easy, or safe, but plausible. It was good enough.

Cole took a moment, orientating himself before taking them off of the stairwell and left. It was a large open room. Empty again. It wasn’t as damaged as some of the visible rooms had been, but there was no mistake as to the fact the fighting had been in here too.

“Here.” He commented, “This will give us a view of the compound. We can scout out from here, as well observe what we can from this angle.”

Once the group was in position, Savi closed their eyes and opened themselves up to the Force.

“Multiple hostiles inside, though not nearly as many as I expected,” they noted, “And there are breaks in the compound’s defensive perimeter that we can take advantage of. Still won’t be a walk in the park, but it’s something.”

Set up sniper perch, thin targets, proceed through gap, confirm/deny? Foxen asked, as easily spotting the breaks.

“We’re on prior, but still active, orders to reduce casualties to a minimum.” Cole responded, “There’s a few blind spots where the cameras don’t see that, if careful, you can scale the wall without being noticed. They’re not ideal but less risky of setting off security alarms. They… do seem to have those unguarded too.”

He nodded to himself. It was an expected gap in their defences.

“Thankfully, no one who flipped sides had detailed information on why we had the rotations set up as they were.” The comment was more to himself, before looking back over the group. “There’s ventilation shafts through the buildings, with the input vents on the roof. The least violent route I can think of is getting people into those buildings and releasing a knock out gas into them. Having a sniper perch set up would be important in case it went to kist, but if it was pulled off without raising alarms it could let us take the majority of the compound without engaging in a firefight.”

Sofila watched her footing as they entered into the large room. Kist. Was there an area in the compound that the fight did not happen? How many people? She listened for a bit. This was a lot to take in. She would rather need to take notes but she can rely on Cole’s recall to not need it. Sniping. Crawling in vents.

Well. Either of those were not an option for her, she was aware of that. When the time came for them to go in, she figured she was Plan E as in ‘Everything went to kist’. Sofila paused at the acknowledgement about people who flipped sides.

It was why he had lost everything. Maybe even partly why he has trust issues. Her pink hues glanced over to Savi and Foxen. At least he was starting to open up a bit more than just herself.

“Shame that none of us knew how to slice if I remember right.” Well, there was always members from Qel-Droma such as Zig and Mex but Sofila figured Cole doesn’t want to bring on anyone else. And this wasn’t related to Port Ol'Val, this was personal.

Foxen snapped his fingers quietly behind her as he continued to carry up the rear, internalizing intel. He removed a data spike from his equipment pouches, holding it up for her inspection.

Over the course of the next several hours the group settled into a routine. Overhead watching of the compound for guard rotations, noting findings and any other observations that they could get. Cole pointed out people he recognised, primarily Force Users who had once been part of the group but now bore the cult’s cloak. Traitors, as he muttered at one point under his breath.

Their observations highlighted that while some rotations had better coverage, the communication on where people should or shouldn’t be wasn’t clear. Gear varied, as did the physicality of those wielding them. It wouldn’t be easy, as Savran said. The compound had minimal damage barring one building that was evidently burned out. Not irreparably so, or to a point where it seemed structurally karked, but it had clearly been engulfed at some point. The others were in as good condition as the buildings around the compound. It was easy to defend, with only personable failures lending to what paths they could follow to gain entrance.

The sun started descending, the compound lit up and activity steadily decreasing. The guard routine remained.

Sofila got bored. Well, not bored. Not exactly. Restless, was a better word for it. She wasn’t picking up on anything the other’s weren’t and there wasn’t much else to do but observe. Or take another walk around the sixth floor.

Except this time, on stepping out of one of the adjacent rooms, the shadows on the stairs shifted… <@216702440140046336>

Sofila sighed as she stepped out and saw the shadow move. Kark that! She reached out to grab him quickly and yanked him towards her. It was a bit of a struggle but luckily, she had advantage. His back was against her chest as her arm was around one of his and the other around his neck, holding him in place.

“Who the Kark are you?” Sofila asked, refraining from shouting cause she didn’t want the surrounding people hear the echos.

A slight choked noise initially responded, the cloaked figure struggling for a few moments more before standing still. He let out a sharp breath, but replied a moment later with a terse, tired voice.

“I could ask the same, offworlder.”

Well. He wasn’t wrong but- maybe Cole would know what to do? She was certain that he would remember the faces of traitors so it wouldn’t hurt to get this man checked. At least he wasn’t putting up a huge fight and that would got loud.

“Come on, you’re gonna see my buddies. Move.” Sofila pressed forward.

“I’d rather not.”

Though despite his protest, and the shoving of his heels into the duracrete, he was manhandled over toward the room.

Having noticed – obviously – when Sofila wandered off, he followed silently – and the most stealthily of all of them – at a distance for backup, as the Tekuani and the Cole could keep in hand. And then observed as she – because of course – tackled someone.

A knife found its place in his palm, but for the moment he just watched, a large, silent shadow physically blocking the entirety of the space.

He debated alerting her to his presence.

On the one hand: eh.

On the other: chance of her flailing doing damage to self or otherwise.

The Nautolan hrm’d.

“Listen, it’s walking or get thrown over my shoulder.” Sofila pointed out, made sure not to loosen her grip as they made their way back up to the room.

She felt like she was being watched. Kriff. Did he come alone? She heard a noise. Her head snapped back but it was just shadows. It sounded familiar… Once they made it, she pushed the man into the room and followed closely behind.

“Cole, I found someone and it feels like I’m being watched.”

“You’re being followed by Foxen.” Cole responded before even starting to turn. He’d noticed Foxen leaving the room and on hearing the scuffling, noticed the shark shaped shadow cast into the space visible from through the doorway out of the room they’d occupied. He stood, looking over at the pair with a raised eyebrow. The figure seemed familiar but…

The man in Sofila’s grip had gone somewhat limp on entering the room, a soft gasp escaping him before trying to raise an arm but getting it dragged back down to his side by Sofila. She moved them a few steps forward, further in to the room.

The hooded figure as best as he could across the room, “…Cole?”

“Sofila let him go.” Cole spoke, cautious but staring at the man. What little was visible. Dark blue skin, scarred.

Savran recognized that voice. They hadn’t heard it in … well, they couldn’t remember exactly how long it’d been. Nor did it really matter. They were more interested in understanding how he’d managed to survive when no one else had. Taking a step forward so the dim light of the room shone on the striking features of their face, Savi narrowed their eyes at the Chiss. Would he remember them, as well?

Sofila glanced behind her to, now, see the shark-shaped shadow. She blinked and frowned as her attention went back to the man who seemingly had gotten weaker when they entered the room. Did she accidently hurt him? Was she too rough? Kriff.

She rose an eyebrow at the man’s voice towards Cole. It didn’t spat or sounded snappy. DId they know each other? The Mirialan gave Cole a nod as she release the stranger from her grip but still watching him cautiously.

As soon as he was released he took a step forward, raising his arm again and lowering his hood.

The Chiss was clearly on the older side, his hair almost entirely grayed barring scattering of black intermittenment. Wrinkles were visible on his forehead, around the eyes. He glanced sideways toward Savran, recognition visible in his eye but it was quickly cast aside.

In the moment he had taken to look, Cole had crossed the room and practically slammed into the man, arms wrapping around him. Corvo seemingly froze, shock either at Cole’s realness or the young man actually hugging him who could know, before returning the embrace.

It didn’t last long, Cole coming to his senses at the lack of privacy in the room and taking a step back, looking over him once more. It took a lot to prevent his voice from cracking, relief and pain and everything rising. “I thought you were dead.”

“So did I.” Corvo’s gaze landed on the burn scar that bore up the side of Cole’s face. He glanced sideways again, to Savi. “Do I want to ask why the Tekuani is here?”

Savi folded their arms across their chest and watched as Cole embraced the man. Given what the two of them had discussed just a few weeks prior, it warmed their heart to see him reunited with someone close to him. At least one of them got to experience the relief of knowing that not all the people they once knew where gone. A second acknowledgement from the Chiss’ eyes prompted them to step forward, flashing him a glimpse of their pointed teeth with the briefest of smiles.

“Corvo,” they cooed, “Is that really how you want to greet an old friend after all this time?”

Still observing as hidden-ish backup, Foxen kept watch on the perimeter while the Cole had what was obviously some kind of reunion. He would guard their collective backs; ensure safety while they had this moment.

Sofila’s eyes widen in surprise at Cole hugging anyone other than her. In public. He never done that.

Her eyes started to water as she brought up her fingers to her mouth to keep from getting too emotional. She cleared her throat and shifted her focus to the small opening in one of the boards to keep an eye out. She knew how he felt about privacy but kriff- that was so heartwarming that even Sofila was quiet and trying not to melt into the ground.

“Friend is a strong word, Has.” Corvo’s tone was coloured by amusement despite the otherwise aloof response. “Though…”

He met Cole’s gaze, the youngest Farrow nodding.

“They’re a friend here.”

Corvo hmmed, looking to the towering Nautolan that.. sparked some recognition and the Mirilian currently avoiding looking at them. “And them? You found Arcona then?”

“I did. That’s Foxen, this is Sofila.” Cole hesistated, the overwhelm visible for a moment. Corvo was alive hadn’t even sunk in yet. He had a niece and he still had Corvo-

He inhaled slowly, calming himself down as best as he could. “She’s my partner.”

For first time in a long time, Sofila’s beaming smile had returned. And it was genuine. She turned to look over at Corvo and Cole. Her expression softened.

“It’s really nice to meet you! Cole had told me a bit about you. And um.. I’m sorry about the rough grab-” Sofila grimaced in apology for hurting Corvo, the one man that helped raise both Cole and Graham. And from what she understood? A far better father figure than Trevor in her opinion.

“Of course it is,” they replied with a quick shrug of the shoulders. “I don’t have friends. Only acquaintances with varying degrees of usefulness. You should know that by now, right?”

They grinned again before stepping forward until they were close enough so only Corvo could hear them. Onyx-painted lips brushed against his ear as they lowered their voice to a whisper.

“You’re lucky that everyone here knows my name, already. Given your happy reunion with Cole, I’ll excuse you using it without my permission just this once. Don’t do it again.”

Red eyes darted over at his name, but not much else. Foxen merely stepped more out of the stairway to be somewhat more visible, nodded, and then directed questions with a snap of fingers for translation.

When did you enter, where, and were you followed. Not here 4.3 hours ago. Show weapons. Move wrong, showing the knife tucked into his hand that moved fluidly with his signing was enough statement.

Corvo offered Savran a slight smile, seeming unbothered by display. He glanced between Sofila and then to Foxen as the Mirilan translated for him. It was helpful, he knew the basics but the speed and shadows made it hard to follow it all.

“Don’t worry about grabbing me, I’m.. glad that.. well.” He cut off, not entirely sure how to answer the notion of it being nice to meet someone you barely knew. Or didn’t know at all, in his case. Red met red as Corvo focussed on Foxen. “I entered about 10 to 15 minutes ago in the same place you did from the disrupted dust. I wasn’t followed, or I’d likely have been grabbed before any of you knew I was here.”

The Chiss opened the side of his coat, revealing a hidden blaster holster and the knife tucked onto his belt.

“I’ve made a point of watching the buildings that typically get used for scouting the compound. I know which one’s are better positioned and which are lesser used.”

“And.. how are you alive?” Cole cut in, his eyes following the various interactions though having taken a step back for more appropriate space.

“I was shot out of the shuttle and the impact to the ground knocked me unconcious. They must have assumed I was dead because I woke up. I… they said they found your corpse. With so many of our ships destroyed I couldn’t tell if yours had made it.”

Foxen grunted in acknowledgement and nodded, accepting the information. He stepped back then, commenting, Going to check perimeter, then return to watch. Don’t die.

Sofila sighed as she glared at Foxen after translating for him. Kriff. Can’t they just give the poor old man a bit of room to breathe? Sofila would offer to go with Foxen but he might just insult her stealthy skills.

Or lack thereof.

She brought up her fingers and pinched the bridge of her nose for a bit. She noticed Savi got close to Corvo and frowned as she watched them. Corvo doesn’t seem to be bothered to whatever Savi had said.


That… explained to why Corvo never reached out for Cole. Corvo thought he was dead. Her shoulders relaxed. Sofila then turned her attention on Cole, making sure he was okay.

Sofila bit her cheek. She wanted to go over and hug Cole. Just to be able to stroke his hair and just… being there. She can’t even hug him. Kriff. Her arms crossed to keep herself to stay in one place.

Her eyes flickered over to Corvo, “Well, are you staying somewhere safe? If not, we can get you somewhere safe for sure. No cost at all.” Sofila offered.


Cole was struggling to hold it together. He was, years of training ensuring that, but it was harder than usual. It made sense. It made so much sense that he’d be stupid to argue it but childish emotions rose. Memories.

Corvo had practically dragged him onto the ship that had allowed his escape. He’d been there, raising the ramp. Cole had focussed the controls with what little consciousness he’d had left, getting them into the sky and letting the automated controls take over. It hadn’t been until he’d woken up, hours later, that the fact he was alone on the shuttle had been noticeable.

Everything was lost. Except it wasn’t.

He could feel a slight shake to his hands, driving them into his pockets on instinct to hide it while trying to sort himself out. This was good. Both just, overall for himself as well as for the mission. Corvo had been here, he’d know the situation. This was an advantage. Not that repeating that helped.

Corvo seemed similarly conflicted, red eyes flickering between the rest of the group and Cole, focussing on Sofila as she spoke to him.

“Safe is.. subjective. I don’t have a dedicated place to stay, but I choose to sleep in.. as safe locations as I can. I…” Corvo hesistated, before smiling, “Well. In theory Tyris’ agreement should still apply either way. So that’d be lovely.”

“And if you’re in need of work,” Savi interjected, “then don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Well, reach out to Cole here, and he can reach out to me.”

[Back out on the rooftop, Foxen was busily sniping off a contingent of Plot Inconveniencing Enemies and biting heads off like an orca. He even had time to run down and clean up the bodies. Amazing how time dilates when one is supremely efficient and skilled.]

Cole shifted but she didn’t know what or why. Her attention was on Corvo.

‘Safe is subjective.’

Kriff. Well, that sounded familiar. Her pink hues darted over to Cole for a moment before back to Corvo to maintain eye contact.

“Great!” Sofila grinned before changing over to a bit sad-attempt-of-being-serious expression, “I mean, where we live isn’t exactly bells and whistles but it’s safe- ish- enough?” She held out her hand and waggle it to try to describe the safe-ty.

“Well! It should be safe for you. Safer than here at least. Actually, for now, you could stay in our apartment for a little bit. I can cook— Eeeeeeeh-” Sofila trailed off then she coughed.

“If Cole doesn’t mind and want to avoid bland or burnt food, he can cook us dinner. There’s always take out though! After we get some rest, then we can discuss what you would like to do Cor- Er, Mr. Corvo? Sir Corvo?” What was she supposed to call him? Also, she didn’t know if he would prefer Selen and to be honest, she wouldn’t blame him. Part of her missed Selen so much. If he rather stay at Port Ol'Val, there was several places he could stay at.

“Just Corvo is fine.” Corvo glanced sideways at Cole with a slightly puzzled look before amusement flooded in. He resisted a chuckle, barely visible unless one was paying attention, “I’m sure it’d be better for me to find my own apartment sooner than later but… I think I’d like that.”

Cole nodded, “We can house you until you’re on your feet in Arcona. It.. will be good to have you back. And to have your help.”

“I believe I know what that will be with.”

“Arcona and the brotherhood behind it already crippled the organisation that caused what happened. I have permission for the resources to at least lay kark to rest.”

A slight sigh escaped the Chiss, though it was far from truly bothered, an inside joke “Back to work then, Farrow?”

Cole offered a half smile, “As always.”

Corvo clapped his hands together, turning towards the window. “Well, first things first…”

He descended into explanations, covering the events since the attack that overturned the Farrow’s control on the area, the Children of Mortis’ movements and styles. The resources he’d seen brought in since. The fire they’d set to several of the residential buildings, clearly done by idiots as less could now live on site in reasonable living standards.

An advantage indeed.