Session export: Ostara: Hostage Situation

The calm atmosphere above Ostara betrayed the situation beneath. Amidst the vast rainforests that has returned, covering the planet like moss on rock, was the old Taldryan Temple. This was where they were hiding.

“You heard. Five million credits, and a guarantee of escape, and the dame goes free.”

The kidnapping of Senator Pasma was both unfortunate, and extremely irritating. It shouldn’t have happened, yet that seemed to be the story of Appius’ life. The holographic image of the Weequay Pirate

“You do realise that if you kill her, there’s nothing stopping us from destroying you,” Appius shot the Pirate a hard glare. “Be reasonable. There’s no reason we can’t work this out.”

“Exactly. Five million credits, a guarantee of escape, and only *then will we let her go. You have twenty-four hours to make a decision.”*

The call ended, and Appius had already made a decision. The big red button of all decisions when an emergency like this came up.

The holographic image of a giant, muscular Twi'Lek with a chin mightier than twin suns came into view.

“General,” Appius gave him a small nod. “I require your assistance.”

A call from the Consul only ever meant one thing. He had got himself into a mess again and there was only one person that could reliably get the job done.

He listened to Appius describe the situation at hand. 24 hours. A precise, rapid attack to save a senator. For some, a daunting task. For General Zentru'la, it was Taungsday. “Rohla, set course for Ostara.” The Harbinger whirled around from its orbit of Chyron towards the jungle moon. “Masakado, Lilina, prepare for battle.”

Lilina was always prepared. A double bladed lightsaber of Mortis design with a purified white blade - was an accessory that symbolised light over darkness as much as it was the only weapon she ever needed. Zentru'la met Masakado in the armoury. His robotic hand paused over the hilt of his Sith sword, a vile alchemical blade that seemed to have a sentient thirst for blood… and then picked up something else. A gently curved sword with a sleek black scabbard. His old blade.

Zentru'la turned back to Lilina, who smiled gently. He tapped his commlink some of the green and blue details of Ostara came into view. “Any update, Wight?”

“As far as I’m aware, the Senator is being held in the old Consul office at the top of the temple. The place will be swarming with Pirates, so I advice discretion if possible, though I trust your judgement on the matter, General.”

Below, the trees and foliage came into view, along with some of Ostara’s more notable wildlife including rancors, and of course, vornskrs.

And one of those Vornskrs reared its head as a high, unnatural noise broke its slumber. A Zabrak girl, scarlet and red, horns not yet fully developed, softly patted the beast. “It’s ok Boop,” she said softly.

The big scary yellow man had told her how to use the small bleeping box. Boop trusted him. So she did too. “Hello, it’s Naliah.”

“Good to hear from you Naliah. Have you seen many people in the forest recently.”

“Yes! They’re making a mess in the jungle. Are you coming to help?”

“Yes, but first I need to know where they are. Can you tell me how many are protecting the old citadel?”

“The big yellow man needs our help, Boop.” The Vornskr wagged his tail excitedly. “Let’s go.”

However, before they could leave, voices ran out from the trees.

“There’s she is!”

“Don’t just stand there! Get her and bring her back to the temple!”

Blaster fire erupted and soared towards Naliah and Boop, the noise of which startled the nearby wildlife, including one incredibly irritable rancor. It tore down foliage, and roared as it came into view of both Naliah and the Pirates.

“Oh look it’s Squishy!” Naliah and Boop ran towards the rancor, happy to see a familiar face. Blaster fire screeched past her as she ran. She had been prepared for this, and pressed the button the big man had given her, for when she needed assistance.

A big red beacon lit up on board the Harbinger, alerting Zentrto her location. On the ground level, Squishy, as it was affectionately named, went to town against Naliah’s unwanted guests.

“Full speed ahead Rohla.” Zentru'la’s voice boomed across the command deck. The Harbinger entered a steep dive towards the surface of Ostara.

Meanwhille, Squishy swung left and right with its colossal arms, smashing pirates around while Naliah ran further into the forest

The temple was no on high alert as Pirates swarmed the entrance hall, trying their damndest to get rid of this rancor. The upper levels, were now near-abandoned.

As the pirates swarmed the entrance hall, the Harbinger swooped overhead, slowing down very briefly for Zentru'la, Masakado and Lilina to jump out, then sped off into the distance. Zentru'la opened a never-ending barrage of cannon fire from his repeating cannon while Masakado vanished from sight, appearing behind the enemy and hacking away with his force-imbued katana

The Pirates made a hasty retreat. No amount of credits was worth this! It cleared the way for Zentru’la, Masakado and Lilina to make their way to the upper floors. The Consul office was likely where the Senator was being kept.

Lilina pushed the door down with the Force and Masakado and Zentru'la rushed into the office, weapons raised

“Stay back!”

The head honcho, an aged Weequay, had the Senator in a headlock, holding a blaster pistol to her head.

“Move an inch and I will shoot!”

Lilina waved her hand. “We will move more than that, and you will not shoot.”

The Weequay watched her movements, seemingly lost in her words as his blaster slowly lowered away from the Senator’s head.

Zentru'la barged into him full force, knocking him to the ground and his blaster went flying. Zentru'la tapped his commlink. “Consul Wight… Do you want him dead or alive?”

“Alive, General. The Senate must decide his fate.”

With no tools of restraint available, Zentru'la gave him a solid kick to the side of the head, knocking him unconscious