Session export: Training; 1 on 1

[ Kiast - Jedi Praxeum - training room ]

7 am on a Centaxday, Wenet stood in front of a training droid, dressed in her training gear. Her armour had several fresh marks on them where she had been hit.”I can do this!” she said to herself and braced herself as she watched the droid raise its rifle. Unlike the droid, the small Kushiban was unarmed, she just stood there with her hands ready.

The waiting felt like an eternity but when the training droid finally shot that bolt flashed across the room in a split second. WHAM! ”Ugh!” BOOM! the bolt hit Wenet in the chest, sending her flying backwards. Of Course it had been set on stun, but it still hurt kriffing much. ”Kark!!” Wenet yelled in frustration as she got back up.

”why is this so difficult?” she wiped the dust of her clothes and looked at the droid ”are you even trying?” it replied in a taunting manner. Wenet looked at it with raised eyebrows ”I think that restraining bolt needs to be tightened, Tinman!” ”Try me” the droid replied as it raised his blaster again. Before Wenet could tell it to pause it shot another round at her. WHAM! ”Ooof!” CRASH the Kushiban landed against a rack of training weapons, some of which clattered onto the ground. ”Kriffing…” she got back up ”I wasn’t ready” ”not very smart” the droid replied and aimed at her once more.. ”No! Stop..stand down.. damn, who built you?” Wenet glared at it as it lowered his weapon.

After picking up all the weapons and putting them where they belonged she decided to try to create a Force Barrier without the pressure of a sadistic droid trying to kill her…

Waza Moved down the hall, the sound of stun blaster fire echoed down the hallway, followed by the curse of a thousand worlds but the one unique voice that could only be Wenet.

Waza stopped at training room 8, ZAP then the sound of more crashing and cursing. Waza knocked three times, “My I enter?” he said as he slowly entered the room.

Seeing Wenet re stacking the weapons rack and a droid off towards the center of the room.

“Hey there bunny whats going on?”

“Kriffing murder droid is whats going on.” She said as she jammed another weapon in place.

“Why are you letting it shoot you? I mean there are other ways to get thrown around a room.” Waza chuckled.

Wenet glared at him with a twitching eye. Waza had never heard a rabbit growl before but now he was a little afraid of his good friend.

“I see no weapon on you, are you working on a new force ability or perfecting one you know? I can help you.”

“I’m trying to block the shots with the force barrier. I just cant get it.”

“Ok we can work with that, After you get done stacking let’s clear you mind and start fresh, maybe take a 10 minute break and refresh for a moment.”

Wenet sighed and continued to clean up the mess. Meanwhile Waza sat down on the floor in a meditative position and waited for the Kushiban to join him.

“Sit” he said to her with a smile. Wenet listend but wasnt sure what to expect. “are we going to meditate?” she asked him with a frown. Waza could tell she wasn’t happy with the possibility of having to meditate. But he understood that was mainly because the furry knight preferred action. He let out a chuckle and nodded. “to be able to use the Force you need to feel it.. and to feel it you need to connect to it that we can do through meditation” he told her as he tilted his head slightly “and something tells me you’ve been neglecting your meditation”

Wenet averted her eyes “maybe…” she admitted and smirked. “but I can’t meditate when I’m in the middle of a battle, can I?” she then added as an excuse. It also didn’t hell that her Master wasn’t even Force Sensitive, but the Cathar was a ferocious warrior. “in battle you need to be alert and quick!” she now looked at him again and waited for his instructions.

“No unless you have the skill to organize the battle and boost the morale of the troops. What you practice when you meditate is strengthening the bond of the force so in combat you only need to think about it and it is there without effort. It is like any other tool or weapon. You practice with your blaster at the range? Meditation is the range for your force abilities.”

“Before we start, go take a 10 minute break and let go of the anger towards the droid, I can feel it rolling off of you.”

Wenet glared at Waza for a moment and turned and stomped off.

After several minutes a cooled off Wenet returned and sat down with Waza.

“Do you remember not to long ago how you were concerned with falling to the dark side? Letting anger guide your actions is the first steps on that path, thats why I wanted you to cool off. Now lets clear the mind like we did before, then we concentrate of the barrier you want to manifest.”

Wenet nods, “yeah.. I remember” and let’s out a sigh. “I try to let go of emotions but you know.. in battle, the heat of the moment.. I just happens” she added with shame in her voice. “That is understandable Wenet. You’ve only recently started your training, you’ve ranked io quickly but there is still alot you need to learn.. Even I sometimes struggle with emotions, and that’s when I turn to meditation… now.. let’s get started.” Waza smiled at her and watched as she closed her eyes before he closed his own.

Wenet took a couple of deep breaths and with each breath she tried empty her mind more and more. It was a lot more difficult than it sounded, intrusive thoughts kept popping up. ‘stupid droid, I could have done it, it just didn’t give me the chance… no.. empty your mind Wenet.. breath… empty… what kind of emotions would Waza struggle with?… no empty your mind Wenet.. shhhhhh… would Ryan be able to use force barrier??? Ofcourse Wenet! Come on he could do anything.. awh…. Ryan… I wish… no… no… no Wenet.. Empty you mind… but that kiss was amazing… shut up Wenet!.. I wonder what Baka is doing? Hopefully not breaking anything… arrggh… Wenet!’

Waza would easily entered a meditative state immediately picked up on the Kushiban’s buzzing mind. “just let it go Wenet.. don’t get angry with yourself.. accept the thought than let it go.. don’t focus on it. Focus on emptying your mind” he softly tried to guide her.

“I’m trying.. I just.. I dont know how” Wenet Sighed but kept her eyes closed. “Do or do not..there is no try” Waza chuckled. “I guess I’m not” Wenet sighed again. “you are doing fine.. don’t be so hard on yourself. Bring your focus to your breath. Deep slow breaths and feel the Force in the air as you fill your lungs” Waza tried to guide her again and Wenet tried her best to do just that.

*‘inhale.. feel the Force.. exhale feel the movement.. inhale.. expand my lungs..“

“Picture the vastness of space,, feel you place in it.. Feel each thought as it comes into your mind, give it a touch of acknowledgment and send it away, just like things on a conveyor belt. The thoughts come in and go out. Don’t focus, don’t dwell, gently pass each thought until nothing remains unacknowledged. With time and once you find the way into your nothing box this becomes easier.”

“Breath, remember to keep steady breaths.”

Waza could sense the force roiling around Wenet. Ryan was foremost in her mind, sensation of happiness bleeding out. Waza smiled at the feeling in the force.

“You’re making progress, very good my student.”

Waza watched as emotions ran across her face and settled into a look of peace.

“Think about the power you want to use, the barrier of power feel it push out from your center.”

‘the power I want to use’ she thought to herself and tried to direct her focus on Force Barrier. But just like before her attention was drawn away by every little sound she could hear.

Her ears twitched on the rhythm of a droids footsteps down the hallway. Immediately she thought about the arrogant training droid, ‘just you wait.. next time I’ll get you’ she then heard the sound of a Wookiees battle cry coming from another training room ‘Maybe I should sign up for Wrruushi… Ryan would definitely appreciate that’…

“Wenet… focus on the Force. Let go of your thoughts..” she heard Waza say. “oh.. eh . Yeah.. the Force…” she brought her attention back to the meditation. Wenet imagined forming a barrier, a shield made of pure energy.

Waza watched with excitement as a shimmer in the force formed, coalescing into a flowing pattern visible in the force. “What ever happens next keep that focus, feel the force around you. Concentrate on the protective barrier.”

Waza got up from the floor watching his un official apprentice sort through incoming thoughts, her face a wash of emotions and settling on clear focus. The barrier took on more strength growing in size.

“Keep up the good work, you’re doing great. Feel everything around you.” Waza took an opportunity to push a feeling of joy towards her for encouragement. His pride of what she is doing evident in his feelings. “Concentrate on your barrier and right now shut distractions out.” “Like your constant droning?” Wenet asked with a snicker. “If you need to yes.” Then he felt ready to test her. Waza picked up a rock and threw it at the barrier and watched it bounce off. then another.

“Keep your concentration no matter what you hear next.” Waza walked to the weapons rack and grabbed a stun blaster. Checking the setting he then pointed it at Wenet. He ignited his lightsaber. The field wavered. Her face contorted in forced concentration and the barrier stabilized.

“Now keep the same concentration and open your eyes.” Waza saw her eyes flutter open and the barrier stay in place and he fired the stun blast at her. Before she could jump out of the way the blast hit her shield and dissipated. “You shot me!!” Wenet yelled. “No you blocked it.” With the burst of emotion the barrier flared in brilliance. “See you did it.” Waza said smiling.

“I did?” She asked herself aloud and then answered her own questions “I did.. yes i did!” Her eyes sparkled with pride, “Ofcourse i did” she eventually added with a chuckle..

But then after a moment of amazement she turned her focus to Waza.. “but.. it took forever to get it ready… in battled I’d be too kriffing slow” her nose wrinkled as her ears slowly flattened. That burst of confidence had faded entirely.

“all you need to do is practice!” Waza replied when he saw her disappointment. “and you really need to meditate more.. clearing your mind shouldn’t be this difficult for a Jedi or force deciple..” he added on a stern tone.

“I know” Wenet averted her eyes in embarrassment. She had indeed neglected meditation, it simply wasn’t exciting enough. “I’ll try do it more often” she said and glimpsed up and smiled awkwardly. “so what’s the next exercise?” she asked, changing the subject quickly..

Waza smiled and thought for a moment, “I think what we will do is keep on the barrier.” Spinning the blaster around by the trigger guard.

“Now you can form the barrier, know how it feels we will work on bringing it up faster. Are you ready?” Waza asked pointing the blaster at Wenet.

“GO” Waza said suddenly.

Not wanting to really shoot his friend he fired just to the left of her, so the stun field would sting and not put her out of commission.

Zap zap zap

Waza fires off three blasts in quick succession.

Wenet’s eyes widen at the sudden blasts, She throws her hand up as if to physically block the stun bolt out of reflex. The barrier forms in a flash of light as the stun blasts nearly misses.

Waza walks the second and third shots directly into the barrier.

“Very good, now between shots drop the power and bring it up when you need it.” Waza spins his light-saber.

“Lets duel and work on your power so it flows smother.” Waza dials the power down on his saber to a stun/practice setting. He would never forgive himself if Wenet was injured.

Wenet brings out her saber.

Looking at Waza they bow in respect and salute.

Waza fires the blaster as he charges in with a strike from his saber.

From the outside, the young Kushiban looked more ready than ever. But inside she wasn’t so confident. Dueling was one thing but practicing the force at the same time was still a bit of a struggle. Part from what Waza taught her and what she had read in the archives, she wasn’t that experienced with the Force. Most of the time it just happened in the heat of the moment, amplified by her emotions and that apparently was not the Jedi way.

As he made his move, charging her head on, Wenet tightened her grip on her lightsaber. She extended her other hand trying to form that shield at the tip go her fingers in an attempt to block the blaster bolts… at the same time she brings forward her lightsaber to block the strike take came from her opponent. “oof!” she exclaimed as the bolt struck the shield. It wasn’t strong so she felt the sting surging through her hand. “kark that hurts!‘ causing her to almost fail at blocking Waza’s strike.

Their savers connect with a loud crackle and Wenet used the force in an attempt to push her opponent away, giving her some space before she could strike. She dashes forwards and jabs her blue blade forward in an upwards motion at his abdomen. She pulls it back and makes a quick slash at his ankles..

Waza dodges the thrust and strike with a flip over and behind his friend. “That was a good combination, you are doing great. More practice and the barrier will be stronger and you wont feel it.”

Waza circled around as Wenet turned to face him.

“Do you have questions? This is more than meditating ask if you have questions.”

In one hop Wenet turned around and faced Waza again. Keeping a defensive stance she followed him as he began to circle here.

“Questions?” She repeated and thought about it. She she many questions but as always had difficulty finding the words to ask them. “I do” she said but before she even asked it she dashed forward. First she slashed low at his shin but then she used her strong hind legs to jump up. Agile, in mid air she spun her body, first slashing her saber at Waza’s chest, quickly followed by her tail aiming to smack him in the face before landing back on her feet. “Can I only make a shield with my hands?”

Waza side stepped the feint slash at his feet, managed to block the slash at his chest, but missed the smack with her tail. He caught himself admiring her agility in combat and she snuck in a hit he had not anticipated. He was proud of her. “The use of our hands for the force is a focusing gesture. If you can accomplish using the force without you have made progress most Jedi Masters cannot do.” Waza said.

Bring up the blaster he fired directly at her head. Walking the stun blasts down to the floor. Three consecutive shots directly at her. Dashing to her left, he swung his saber above her head.

Her ears twitched as he explained the use of hands only being a focusing gesture. In her mind she immediately thought ‘what is I use the tip of my tail to focus? It my nose?’

And as she thought about it, Waza fired at her head. At once she brought her focus to her nose attempting to create a shield. There was a faint shimmer as produced a shield but it was weak. The first hit bounced off but the second she could feel and the third broke right through hitting her right in the face. Wenet flew backwards as Waza’s saber swung over her head.

boom! clank!

she hit the weapons rack once more. “aargh” Wenet moaned as she tried to sit up. Her entire face felt numb “I can’t feel my face” she said as she tried to touch her face… “kark!” she exclaimed in frustration.

Waza rushed to Wenet and scooped her up from the floor. Holdin her up and spinning a circle like an excited parent would do.

“Wenet that was amazing, I saw you focus the Force with something besides your hands. I’m sorry a shot got through, but that was amazing you did it. A little practice on focus and you will be able to always do it. That skill could go a long way in helping you in so many situations. I’m amazed and proud of you.”

Wenet was still fuming and didn’t catch everything, mad at getting shot, embarrassed at being picked up She tried to wiggle out of Waza’s grasp.

“Put me down, I failed I got shot.” Wenet tried to say through a numb face.

“You didn’t fail, you blocked two shots, you’re focus was distracted with a new idea. We’ll take a break till you are ready and we can work on the new focusing, I’m so excited to see you make this progress.”

Waza set her down and went to the weapons rack and started picking things up.

Wenet tried her best to show no emotions but even without the help of the force, anyone could sense her frustration and disappointment.

“I’m ready.. I can do this!” she said despite her half numb face. “after a break we can try again.. seriously Wenet. Take a break..” Waza insisted as he put the last dropped weapons back on the rack. “we can continue tomorrow” he added but Wenet shook her head “no.. just give me a moment.. we can do this today”, the Kushiban insisted.. now Waza shook his head *“I think you need to have someone look at that first” he was referring to her face. “taking a blaster to the face isn’t good even if it was on stun” he said with a smile. Wenet touched her face, she could barely feel anything.. “but in battle I can’t take a break.”

“Ok we can continue but for the record I think you need a break. We are going to ty a different route for the barrier if you want to continue with using your nose.”

Waza ignited his saber and pointed at her. “Do you remember your forms and patterns from early saber classes? I want you to start with basic moves and when I strike during those moves I want you to block with the barrier and your saber. Your saber will be the back up to the barrier. We’ll keep this simple to start and as you can summon faster and stronger with your nose the we can move to your tail as a focus. Each time we start simple moves until you have those good. Then we get more difficult with the strikes until its second nature to you”

Waza spun his saber. Wenet lit her saber, “Ready Waza.”

“And begin with the first set, go.” Waza walked around Wenet as she began her basic foot work and swings. He would poke at her with his saber. Wenet would twitch her nose and bring up the saber. Only a few times did the sabers connect.

“Next set, and Go.” Waza continued to poke and Wenet continues to block. Each time the barrier would rise faster and stronger.. “Now back to the first, still use the nose but move faster. Go”

Wenet set her feet and began the movements again.

Wenet did her very best to focus on their current training. Following Waza’s lead she did as instructed. And so far it was going great. She managed to create the barrier with her nose, protecting her entire head like an invisible helmet. She only used her saber as backup and a few times it was just an impulse she couldn’t stop. By now her saber had become part of her, it was the first thing she’d automatically reach for when in combat. So it was pretty difficult to rely more on the Force. On top of that, she couldn’t help herself, her mind kept wandering.

“what if?” was a question that often popped into her mind after another successful block, thinking about using other parts of her body.. “No Wenet focus on us nose…we can try something else another time” she then told herself and continued her training..

“Good Wenet!” Waza said after another set, “now.. let’s step up the pace” he then continued with a smirk, “I’m gonna strike faster so be ready” and he did. He moved faster and struck her faster, Wenet followed his dance. This time she used her saber more, the old man was to fast or… was it because she didn’t have the confidence. “Come in… Wenet believe in yourself.. you can do it.. just try” Waza said sensing her emotions. And try she did.

At one point, Waza suddenly attacked from behind. Instead of using her saber to block she focused on her tail and tried to block Waza

Waza swung his saber towards Wenet’s back, with a flourish of her saber to the side she snapped her tail upwards. A shimmering barrier appeared in line with her tail.

Wenet looked back over her shoulder and smirked at Waza.

“Is that the best you got ‘old man’? Wenet chuckled teasing her friend.

Waza stepped back and admired her.

“You’ve come a long way my friend, I’m proud of the Jedi you’re becoming.”

Waza kicked at her legs suddenly, Wenet still in tune with her surroundings snapped her tail down bringing the barrier in position with his leg sweep. Blocking the kick to the side Waza regained his footing. And shut down his saber and bowed to Wenet.

“This was a fascinating training session; I hope you keep meditating so you can improve this skill and your connection with the force. Come on let me make you dinner, unless you have plans with your fancy pilot friend…?”

“Plans?” Wenet wrinkled her her nose and then shook her head “not really, haven’t seen much of him since Boonta Eve” she said as she extinguished her saber. In her disappointment her ears droooped but still she managed to smile. “Life of a Jedi is bust one… but I could definitely eat something. All this training made me hungry!” She quickly changed the subject.

Waza smiled, “al right then… let’s get out of here than!” And with those words the two left the training room.