Session export: Come see how this works

Waza meditated in training room four of the Odan-Urr academy. Reaching out through the force to his colleague Major Jon Silvon. Compelling him to come to the room. After about 20 minutes, Waza felt he had best just call him; since he was new to force talents he may not have understood the intent.

“Major would you join me in training room four, I understand you would like some help in understanding your force abilities.” Waza sent the message and waited.

Returning to the meditation he focused on the space around him feeling all the creatures and beings moving around.

Shortly a return beep onhis comm link signified acknowledgment and return. The Major would be here shortly.

Jon whistled an offkey tune as he strolled through the academy corridors – even after all these years, he never felt quite like he wasn’t trespassing in these halls. Another one of his many infiltration missions, but this time without the comforting mask of a disguise or a well-crafted cover identity.

He hid that discomfort with the ease of experience; if he was good at anything, it was concealing his thoughts and feelings, though one could never be sure how well you were doing in a room full of Jedi.

Jon arrived at the door to the training room Waza had called him to. He didn’t know the Jedi too well, but they’d been on a few missions together, and Jon thought he had a good feel for the older man.

Which is why he was surprised by the sudden call. But his curiosity overrode his misgivings, so he decided to answer the call.

“Waza my good man,” he said as he passed through the doors. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Greeting Major, please come in and have a seat.” Waza said from his meditation. Looking up as Jon took a seat, “The force works in a number of ways. Today I had a vison while meditating that lead me to you. Seems we were in this very room training on some unspecified force abilities. This led me to believe you are new to the world of Force sensitivity and new powers, abilities if you will. A whole new skill set to use in your service of the Clan.” Jon sat down; suddenly disturbed by how much Waza knew without being told anything. “Yes I have some things I’d like to learn.” Jon said. “I would be willing to help you explore those powers and develop them to useful tools. This will take patients and a clear mind. While you are learning, you must control your emotions or risk turning to the dark side. I’ve been there it’s not somewhere you want to go. Can you explain to me what you have discovered about yourself and what you can now do?”

Jon peered thoughtfully at the older man. Waza’s eyes had a… strange look to them. Like they could see right into Jon’s mind.

It was not a feeling he enjoyed. But it didn’t feel intrusive either. There was an air of calmness about the Jedi, a sort of peace that Jon didn’t know how to wrap his mind around.

A bevy of lies came to his mind, reflexively, old instincts giving him a myriad of half-truths and cover stories that he could use to deflect Waza away from prying any deeper. He clamped down on the thoughts. For one thing, he was fairly certain Waza would see clean through any lies he tried to tell, but more importantly it would defeat the entire purpose of why he was here in the first place.

This Jedi was offering to help him. He wanted that. Didn’t he?

Jon took a deep breath.

“Why don’t we start,” he began, “With how you knew to call me. You said you had a… vision? How does that work?”

Waza looked at his compatriot. He felt he should put his mind at ease.

“You’re probably worried I’m digging through your mind. I have no cause to do anything like that, we are not adversaries or enemies. Your secrets are safe in your mind. As to how this came about, the force can some times show possible pathways through the future or events from the past. Today while I was meditating I saw a vision of us sitting much as we are now in this very room. Always in motion the future is. Any number of things can alter what is to come. Visions are not a set path but a possible event. How it works? Well when anyone figures out how the force works will it be any less powerful or guiding?”

John quirked an eyebrow. That was… unhelpful, yet somehow exactly what he expected to hear from a Jedi master.

“So… we don’t know how it works, and it has a non-zero chance of being wrong? So, what if you saw this vision and I just decided not to answer your call. What happens then?”

“What happens then, Like my masters taught me. The future is always in motion. You would have sought out another teacher and learned from them, just so happens in this time I sought you out to help you learn. You are free to walk away and seek knowledge where you please.” Waza said.

“I would caution until you have a grasp on what you can do avoid acting out of hot emotions and reacting in an emotional state. That can lead to the dark side.”