Session export: [IC] Euphoria

Club Euphoria Daemunn

Neon lights flickered on the outside of a round durasteel structure. Scarred by blaster fire, blades, and drunken buffoonery. This hive of scum and villainy was much like the Cantina of Mos Eisley, bearing a notoriety established by the denizens of the galaxy.

Owner and proprietor Juda Graves, the Anzati Proconsul, used this as a lure for potential victims, yet members of his Clan were welcome to walk freely. To drink, eat, gamble, and participate in the vices of a true scoundrel. He stood at the entrance of the Cantina, not wearing his typical Mandalorian skin. Rather, he was wearing a black overcoat with a purple undershirt, black trousers and shoes, and silver jewelry. In his right hand was an ornate cane and in his left hand was the skull of a Nightsister from the Spiderclan. His hip carried Darasuum Tracinya, his shoto lightsaber with tainted crystal, and his left forearm was always equipped with a Mandalorian vambrace ready to release its whistling birds at a moments notice.

“Welcome, my friends!” he spoke to the new arrivals, his straight white hair fell to his shoulders and his emblazoned eyes were frightening yet charming.

Don’t cough. Don’t cough. Don’t cough. Don’t hack up a lung and die on the floor of the vaguely terrifying…what was this place? Bar? Restaurant? Club? Murder house? Well, whatever it was, it belonged to the Clan so how unsafe can it be, right? Just don’t hack up a lung. Or do, since the organ market was probably thriving in this corner of the galaxy and a space drifter-turned-magic-user had to pay for her drinks somehow, right?

“Just open the door, Caverns,” Arryn muttered to herself. “Open the door, walk in, and take a seat like you belong there. How bad can it be?”

How bad, indeed. Pushing open the door revealed a vaguely hazy interior with flashing light that did little to help with the atmosphere but did serve to blind her which was fine, really. Who needed eyes anyway? Arryn certainly didn’t–having eyes meant that she could see, and the vibes in this place were darker than that one corner of *that*ship, and if she were honest with herself, leaving and never turning back was looking better than ever.

Or maybe, the feral corner of her mind whispered, You are being honest with yourself, and you want nothing better than to wrap yourself in the vibes and never look back.

“WELCOME, MY FRIENDS!” came the booming call from a white-haired man she’d never seen before. Startled, she barely managed to disguise her frightened jump into a passable slide into a nearby chair; quickly she sat before she became a hazard to the room at large.

Head down, Caverns. Just keep your head down and order something. You belong here. Sort of.

Draex walked up to the doors, all the while trying not to panic or to run. why would he run he is fine during a battle, so a little get together with other members of the clan should be no problem. As he opened the doors he saw Juda and thought, maybe I should have been dressed in something other than my armor, oh well too late now. he walked pasted Juda and found himself a rather secluded seat near the entrance of the venue and didn’t really react to much, just sat and watched everyone around him the best he could all the while allowing his eyes to adjust to the flashing lights and his ears to adjust to the music.

The loud music. The flashing lights. …The people. Oh how he hated people. Shimrah wasn’t a fan of the honey trap that Juda called a bar, but he came nonetheless.

Instead of pushing his way through the crowd, he let the dark side envelop him like a familiar cloak. The masses instantly turned to him as he got close and moved out of his.

The Warlord made his way through the venue and found a seat next to his Apprentice, Draex.

“Greetings Lieutenant. What are we drinking?” <@827234581701853184>

Looking at his master, he just nodded his head before answering. “Nothing at the moment but feel free to order anything you’d like.” He then just continued to look around at the different patrons that obviously frequent here.

Trying really, really hard to snoop at the conversation happening a table away and failing miserably, Arryn side-eyed the patrons sitting nearby and took a hasty drink of whatever drink this was to cover it up. Snooping wasn’t supposed to be this difficult, and yet…and yet…thanks to how loud the lights were she couldn’t hear a karking thing! So much for assuming a stolen identity and using it to learn anything about anything.

One of the guys who’d just sat down was decked out in armor and looked like the kind of guy to charge a fee for breathing his air. He looked comfortable here, like he belonged in this vibeless apocalyptic escape room, and his companion appeared similarly at ease. Dangerous, she reminded herself. They looked karking dangerous, not comfortable. There was a subtle difference between the people in this place and the various marauders and space pirates and general scum that filled the galaxy, and the inherent danger woven into the fiber of every cloaked patron present was nothing short of suffocating.

Not to mention, the soup she’d ordered had an eyeball blinking back at her.

“Barry, chill!” Gui shouted at the tiny DUM pit droid tugging at his ratty poncho.

A series of chatter and chirps broke free from the droid’s vocabulator but the Kiffar rested his hand on the top of its head in reassurance.

“I know what you’ve heard about this place, but we were invited. Don’t worry, has my intuition ever been wrong?”

The droid slapped the palm of its tiny hand against the side of its head which caused Gui to roll his eyes.

“Come on!”

As the two stepped up to the door, the eye of a Gatekeeper droid shot out of a hole, eye level with the young Jedi. Had Gui moved an inch it would have been touching his nose. It spoke a language Gui had only ever heard from his former master but recognized as Mando'a.

“Uhh, Juda sent for me.” He assumed that’s what the droid wanted. Instantly, the eye sucked back inside the wall. However, a response didn’t come instantly. In fact, it felt like hours had passed as the Kiffar leaned against the wall anxiously tapping his foot. After what seemed like an eternity, the door hissed and slid open. Startled, Gui straightened his posture and stepped inside as smoke swirled around him, spilling out into the street.

Stepping inside, it was as if he were an explosion. Every eye turned and locked onto him as he was clearly out of place.

“M-maybe we should just find somewhere to sit, eh bud?”

Arryn raised her head as the newcomer entered and vaguely she wondered how long she’d been sitting here staring at this eyeball soup.

Same with the drink. It had been magically refilled without her noticing, and though she downed it with ease she still didn’t know what it was. The newcomer was a welcome distraction from the blurred lines of time and space in this establishment.

Everyone else had already turned to look at whoever it was, so Arryn followed suit. Without meaning to she made eye contact with the man and, also by accident, scowled in his direction.

Onyx approaches the entrance gate shyly not knowing if he was allowed to be here but he wanted to have fun though he didn’t let his master know that he left for the evening “this is so gonna be worth it” he says as he scans the gate for some sort of way to show who he was..though he could probably call Juda to buzz him in “I wonder what all is in here "he asks to himself

Rin walked up to the door and eyed the man through the visor of her helmet. With a shrug, she slammed a gauntleted fist against it twice and then twice more, the sound echoing behind it. The Gatekeeper’s eye shot out and stared at her.

“Just let us in. I’ll vouch for whoever this one is. If there’s a problem, it won’t be for long.” The voice from within the helmet was soft, musical and held a large dose of no nonsense seriousness.

As the door slid open, the small woman turned her head. “Off you get then.”

Not waiting for a response, she walked through the door and into the bar. A quick look around showed her a decent crowd gathered near tables, a bar and what looked like gaming tables.

Taking off her helmet, Rin shook her head as pointed ears flicked slightly before amber eyes fell on a familiar face at the bar. Walking up behind Gui, she cuffed him on the back of the head gently as a wide grin split the Cathar’s feline lips. “They let anyone in here, I guess. I hope you’ve kept up with you training and not just with that shiny stick you carry now.”

The aura of the Dark Side faded from his body as he grabbed a menu from the table and looked it up and down before settling on a decision and passing it to <@827234581701853184> .

“I think I’ll have a synthsteak. Seems the the safest choice on the menu. Round of Jawa beers?”

Looking at the menu, Draex seemed to contemplate it for a moment then shrugged. “Sure. And your probably right on the safest thing on the menu.” He then lowers his hood so as his eyes have finally adjusted to the flashing lights. “You’d think after seeing battle flashing lights wouldn’t be a problem but still I find I occasionally get dizzy from them. So shall I order them or do you want to do the honors?” He asked <@315192554410999808>

Onyx looked at her and smiles “thank you for that” he says shyly as he steps in through the door and tries to find an open seat or bench and takes in the bar “quite a place and it seems to be pretty popular already” he says as he pokes his fox like ears up from his hair and starts to relax

Setting her helmet on the bar, the Cathar turned towards the semi-crowded room and leaned against the smooth surface now behind her. Amber eyes took in the faces of the patrons, interest only marginally piqued by many of them. The last time Rin had been around this many people had been years previous when the young man beside her was little more than a kid. She glanced at him from the corner of one eye with a smile before turning her gaze back to the others present.

She tapped on the bar to attract the attention of the barkeep. “Whatever kind of ale you have. Doesn’t really matter where from.”

After a moment, Rin held a large mug of ale slightly darker than her eyes, each drink making her grimace slightly.

The newly anointed Mandalorian was very nearly ready to call the waitress over to order their food when he thought about his Apprentice’s words.

“Really? You get dizzy from the lights?”

“At times, yes constant flashing lights. Also seem to cause me to see things like akk dogs that I know are not there.” He paused for a moment, “Worry not, I am still able to fight It only happens with constant flashing lights like in here.” he then pulls his hood back up to cover his eyes from the flashing light directly above him.

Juda sat back and watched everything unfold as if a plan he had made was coming together perfectly.

The patrons were enjoying themselves but he couldn’t hide the smirk creeping across his face.

Unable to contain it any longer, he stood to his feet and with a flourish from his cane he called for everyone’s attention.

“Members of Clan Vizsla!” he bellowed, “I haven’t been completely honest with you. There is a reason you were called here today.” The group looked at each other with that ‘I knew it’ expression.

“Darcy Avarik is hiding on this planet friends. Waiting to be… found. As a team you will need to bring him back here. But I assure you, he won’t come willingly.”

Shimrah set the menu down, irritated, he looked across the table at his Apprentice, <@827234581701853184>.

“Well, I suppose we better go earn our dinner and haul Darcy back in for who knows what Juda wants with him.”

Without waiting for a response, the Mandalorian rose from his booth and began to walk toward the Proconsul. Surely he would have some answers, Shimrah thought to himself.

“Any idea where he might be Juda? And why isn’t he coming willingly? Is he not done drinking yet?”

Draex quickly got up and followed his master. Also Irritated that his free time was interrupted. But he decided not to voice his opinion, at least not yet. He stood quietly as Shimrah questioned Juda.

“Well, my friend. Last I heard he was in Yuanming. The rest is up to you. You guys will need to set aside differences and work together if you wanna bring him down. He wont be coming willingly because, well. If he did, it wouldnt be much of an exercise now would it?” He smiled.