Session export: Over a Drink


I’m unsure if Sagitta has reached out but she is doing well. Fully recovered physically though there are some lingering effects. They won’t be permanent so nothing to be overtly concerned with. Nothing else to report but I thought you’d like to know as you both seemed friendly now.”`

“` Good evening.

She has not, but I appreciate you updating me on her condition. Though, I still worry of potential lingering effects on your psyche. Scimitar’s influence, although brief, is one that I can’t imagine has left … traces of him in her mind.”`

It has had its effects but it's more in relation to the excessive power she was granted than any potential possession or remnant left behind. Medical and Force professionals have been involved and neither have noted concern over her long term well-being.

That's good, then. Very good. Please keep me updated on her condition. Was there anything else you needed?

Not needed. I was considering though if you'd like to meet up for a drink?

A drink, huh? Yeah. We can do that. Meet me at . . . in an hour. You're buying.

Sure. See you there.

By the time Cole arrived at the cantina, Savran was already sitting at a table-for-two. Dressed in their usual robes worn on assignment, they had chosen a seat that gave them clear view of the cantina’s sole exit, which allowed them to make eye contact with the man as he entered. Watching him with the same intense gaze they always sported, Savi gestured toward the seat across from them. Once he was settled, they spoke.

“So, why did you want to meet me, Cole?”

Cole’s expression was passive, as it usually was. He seemed relatively normal, whatever it was at the hospital had gone or was buried.

He wasn’t surprised by their reaction. It was strange, considering their history for either of them to want to chat over a drink. He didn’t exactly but Cole had run out of people in his life a while back and it was something. Other than Sofila.

“Building connections. You’re close enough with Sagitta and seem to be sticking around. It seemed sensible to meet up outside of the context of how we used to come across each other.”

Savi remained quiet for a moment, considering Cole’s words. They hadn’t expected him to reach out to them of all people. But maybe, they were the only person he could reach out to. If that was the truth, why Cole had decided to extend an olive branch to someone with whom he shared such a … tense past, then Savi understood his motivations. But he spoke of Sagitta and Savi’s budding friendship with her.

“While I’m not opposed to putting the past behind us, I’m curious,” they began, “Is this really about Sagitta? You could just as easily make no effort to get to know me better and still have your thing with her, no problem.”

“I could have, yes.” Cole agreed with them, coming to an awkward pause for a few moments. “Like I said. It seemed a sensible idea. I’m not sure how else to put it. I didn’t need to yet, here we are.”

Cole shrugged. Internally he was regretting this. But it was too late now. Kriff. Maybe itd be worth it in the long term. Maybe at some point it won’t feel like he’s one step off of being jeered at. This was.. embarrassing in a way. oh I’m so lonely please talk to me. It wasn’t.. exactly like that but he didn’t fancy giving Savran the full story and letting them have their opinion on it. They knew enough as it was.

“Here we are, indeed,” the shani commented before averting their gaze so they could locate the nearest server. When they spotted a human man who’d just dropped off a round of drinks at a table to their left, they lifted a hand to catch his attention.

Cole would be a valuable asset upon which to rely, especially as they continued to work with the Brotherhood. “You’ve got a deal,” they said, “Let’s hope you’re better company when you’re not on assignment, though.”

“I could say the same.” Cole let himself smile ever so slightly. He imagined they were both quite a bit more personable when not handling business.

So.. they’d agreed to try. Now it was.. finding something to build off of from there.

“Our business dealings weren’t exactly pleasant usually even if we never directly fought.”

They nodded. “Though, to be fair to use, things rarely are pleasant in our line of work. Which is why I’ve adopted a ‘work hard, play hard’ approach.”

The server came over and Savi gestured to Cole so he could order first. “Pick whatever you want,” they said, “The owner owes me a favor, so we’ll drink free tonight.”

Waiting until he’d finished, Savi ordered a bottle of Kattadan Rosé. It was one of the more expensive bottles the cantina had in its inventory, a special request that Savran ensured was always in stock in case they were in the area. “And what about you? How do you unwind between missions?”

He ordered a bottle of spirits to come with some mixer. It was a simple set up really but a nice pairing. Cole had looked a touch surprised at the fact they were drinking for free but decided to not question it for now. Why had they stated drinks were on him if the place they suggested was specifically one that that’d be irrelevant in.


“I don’t think you really shared yours unless I’m guessing what play is for you.” Cole pointed out. “Currently though for me it’s a mix of training and holovids. Sagitta, as well, she likes to go out so I join her sometimes.”

The Human shrugged. It honestly sounded better out loud than it actually was which was.. odd to him but he could work with that.

Now, that could make for an amusing game. At least, for a few moments. “Sure, let’s go with that,” they said, “What do you think ‘play’ means for me?”

They shifted in their seat and switched legs so their left now laid across their right knee. “It seems like you and Sagitta have gotten close over the last few weeks. Are you two finally an item?”

Cole had no desire to answer the follow up question so decided to stick with the first one.

“Well, I doubt eating people is a very viable pass time outside of combats, so I’d have to guess something along the lines of clubbing and all the relevant activities that usually go with that,” Cole shrugged, “I don’t know you well enough to assess that accurately.”

They took note of his lack of response and promptly moved on.

“Yeah, it can be difficult to find a good meal. People tend to taste differently based on what they eat just like animals do. Imagine how someone would taste if their diet consists almost entirely of cat, tabac, and cheap liquor? Not good,” Savi replied, speaking with an unsettlingly casual tone about eating other sentients. It wasn’t long after that the server brought them their drinks, and Savi gave an appreciative nod.

“Clubbing is a good guess, but I also enjoy training, singing, listening to music,” they continued. They took the wine bottle and popped the cork, and carefully poured it into the glass. “I’ve had a long time to cultivate my hobbies.”

“You have.” Cole agreed. He knew his father had known of the Tekuani before he was even born. The fact they were active then implied a.. minimum length of their life. Not that that made it too clear.

The talk of eating people was one Cole was happy to move on from though.

“I was usually too busy for it. Training was prioritised over all else. We had fun of course but it was usually nights out for brief things. Not enough time for refining hobbies or anything.” The Human shrugged. “Best way to survive given the circumstances.”

“That’s understandable. I remember quite a few times when I had to do the same,” they replied, raising their glass to first sample the aromatic compounds lifting from the scarlet surface with their forked tongue. Then, they sipped, savoring the taste before swallowing. “When things get too hot, so to speak, it’s better to move in obscurity. That doesn’t leave much time for leisure activities.”

“But surely you have more time for that, now. I imagine throwing your hat in with the Brotherhood has given you some more … breathing room. More security, so to speak.”

One would think that yeah. Sadly, I kriffed that up.

Cole shrugged. “In some ways, yes. I only have to partipcate in some conflicts, the rest are mine to choose if I want to engage or not. I have more free time than I used to. I wouldn’t say more security however. There’s some less than pleasant history between me and one of the summitters. We had a conflict on my arrival. It didn’t leave a good first impression on most of the others for me. I’d certainly recommend making friends than enemies here and being careful with who those enemies are. It’s quite a tight knit group.” He spoke plainly, a tension to his voice that betryaed the overall uncaring he was portraying but it wasn’t too noticeable.

The Human picked up the glass left on the table for him and sipped it. “Have you met many others or just those on the drug bust?”

“Sounds like something you need to reconcile if such a thing is possible,” Savran said, “And I will keep that in mind. I’d rather not have more enemies than I do already.”

“I’ve met quite a few Arconans, actually. Kerissa, Doon, Kathka, Foxen and Flyndt, and several others,” they answered, “On positive or neutral terms with all of them, so far.”

“There’s been recent progress.” Cole stated plainly. He.. needed to talk to Zuza again. Properly. To apologise if nothing else.

He’d heard some of the names that Savran shared; He’d even met one directly considering the Shistavanen was the captain of the Voidbreaker II. The Human nodded, “There’s plenty around. It’s not difficult to come across them. Doon is an.. interesting one. How did that go? He usually seems.. quiet.”

A chuckle escaped Savi’s lips when Cole asked about Doon. Where to start? “He was the ‘leader’ of a mission I was a part of, on a planet not far from Uvena Prime,” they began, lifting their wine glass around to aerate it again before taking another sip. “Spent most of the time brooding, though. Seems like the type to demand reapect without doing much to command it.”

“When it matters he tends to step up but.. I don’t disagree with that assessment necessarily either.” Cole mused, swirling his drink slightly before sipping it, “I’ve seen him in action but he isn’t as hands on as some would consider proper when its not active combat. Though even then he’s.. had issues.”

And even then, many had seen the reports of him attacking Zuza. Most of those had seen the weights the shista had been made to wear as punishment without losing his station entirely. Cole had been surprised by the choice but Zuza had lived and he supposed she likely called out in Doon’s favour.

“Not surprising,” said Savi. They didn’t seem particularly interested in discussing him further.

“Anyone that comes to mind who I should know about?” they asked, “Whether as someone to watch out for or who could be an asset?”

“Well, there’s the summit members obviously. Qyreia, the Consul, Ruka Tenbriss Ya-Ir the Proconsul. They’re the top leaders of the entire clan. Then there’s the houses, Tali Sroka oversees Qel-Droma with Archian, Jael Valsi Chi'ra oversees Galeres. There’s three battleteams, the Voidbreaker under Qel-Droma, captained by our mutual acquataince Doon Sulvir. Then there’s the Dajorran Marshalls under Galeres, Wulfram Armis recently took over there. The third is more of a recruit thoroughfare, the Selen Training Corps ran by Zuza Lottson.”

Cole reeled off the names with what would be a familiar clinical disconnect. It was the tone of a briefing, purely informative with little given either way. Bar one name, Zuza’s, which the man hesistated slightly over as he spoke it.

“All of them are obviously good to be well regarded by but leadership changes often. I’d recommend taking note of Marick Tyris as well. You were part of an Envoy mission so you’ll know him but he’s Arconan and worth being on the good side of. He knows more than you’d want him to. Outside of that, there’s no one I’d advise against knowing. Though I’d be cautious around Tyris’ wife. She’s powerful in the Force and freely uses it. She will read your mind, feel your thoughts, and she is likely to try and help if given time from what I’ve heard. Not dangerous but it’s kriffing creepy.”